Client Partner-Retail : Stores and POS


Client Partner -
1. Deep experience with Customer and stakeholders management at C level
2. Business Development and P&L ownership
3. Associate Engagement and talent grooming
4. Understand client needs and identify new business opportunities for Client to deliver Business value to customer
5. Lead account strategy and planning and find opportunities of growth in the account
6. Domain, Technical and Program management experience
7. Develop and establish oneself as an industry and Thought leader
8. Develop and strengthen relationships with decision makers and influencers in the customer organization and grow revenue and drive new opportunities for Domain Solutions and Digital Technologies like Cloud, IoT, Analytics, AI and Cognitive 
9. Conduct regular delivery reviews to prevent cost and schedule overruns, and to enable the delivery teams in ensuring high customer satisfaction
10. Should also be able to handle customer escalations and sustain Customer relationship Management including driving improvement of CSI.
1. Strong Retail Domain
2. Exposure to Agile Delivery
3. Good understanding of Cloud, Big Data and Digital technologies
4. Should have had at least 2+ years of Account Management experience (including onsite) Proven record of managing CXO level relationship (managing steering committees, monthly CIO meeting etc). 
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