Promote your career

How to Find the Right Headhunter

So, you want to use the momentum and motivation of the beginning of the year to give your career a real boost? Then you shouldn’t make yourself comfortable on the sofa, but instead be active! Our tip: Contact a Headhunter! But not just any headhunter, one who really fits with your career goals and can…

resume faqs for senior managers

Resume FAQs for Senior Managers

No professional looks forward to updating their resume in preparation for a career search. If you are among the fortunate few who can secure interviews simply by tapping your network, congratulations. For everyone else, dusting off and redesigning a resume is the first step to landing a new leadership role. Hiring processes change over time,…

Make sure people know why you’re the best candidate

How to Nail a Perfect Elevator Pitch

You’re standing in line for your morning coffee when you notice someone standing behind you. It’s only the CEO of the startup where you see yourself in your dream job! Do you panic and freeze? Trip over your own feet and spill your coffee down the front of their shirt? Or do you introduce yourself with…

compiling a self review

Compiling A Self Assessment

Your supervisor most likely has her own opinions regarding your working style and efforts. But in order to get a better sense of your performance, it’s common practice to ask employees to complete a self assessment to gauge their perspective on how things are going. Though stressful, this policy allows you the opportunity to highlight the projects you’re most proud of, to reflect on the biggest challenges you’ve encountered throughout the year, and to tell your side of the story. By compiling your own self assessment, you’re given a tremendous chance to communicate openly with your superior, while showing a great deal of self awareness. Take advantage of this task, and use it to demonstrate why you are, why you have been, and why you’ll continue to be a great asset to your company. Here’s how.

Improve job prospects

Success Recipe for Top Careers: Polish Your Online Profile

The job market is ever in flux, with new positions and opportunities arising daily. The chance to profit from this reality is in your hands. What should you do? Make sure your online presence and your profile are up to date and polished to perfection. In today’s digital age it’s becoming more and more difficult…

Kickstart your career!
Start off the New Year right – with a career advantage!

Top 10 Career Tips: Kickstart Your Career

Did you know that most career moves are initiated at the beginning of the year? As you are thinking of moving your career forward, companies are also using the start of the year for new strategic directions, and thus, new employees. January is the highest season for recruiters. Ensure you’re at the top of your…

Wearing a lampshade on your head is – excuse us – old hat. Violate your corporate policies in style this season.

5 Quick Ways to Ruin Your Career at the Annual Company Holiday Party

Is it already that time of year again? Time for the annual company holiday party? Some celebrate with a formal banquet, others with a sad buffet of frozen finger food. But alcohol is usually in full swing – and along with the open bar comes a wide array of opportunities for faux pas. Click on…

The most wonderful time of the year…

Holiday Etiquette in the Office

This is the soppy time of the year when you have the chance to let people in your life know how important they are to you: family, of course, friends, for sure and … office colleagues? Yes of course for networking and then the next senior position or promotion. OK, also so that you can breathe…

Job Interview

How to advance to first-string in a job interview

Oh, my God. This headhunter contact could really be worth gold! Everything has gone smoothly so far – an informative phone call, a pleasant initial conversation – but now comes the first real hurdle: the job interview at the company. Just being good is not enough anymore, you’ve got to be great. Top Headhunters reveal…

Stress Management No Time for Burn-Out

Stress Management: No Time for Burn-Out

Don’t make time for burnout – this sounds contradictory, but it’s true. Those who are organized – and flexible enough to handle unforeseen challenges – don’t have to see burnout as inevitable. With a little structure in your everyday working life, you don’t have to give burnout a fighting chance.

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