Tagged Work Environment

10 Gift ideas for your boss

10 Gift Ideas for Your Boss

Last minute Christmas shopping doesn’t have to be an ordeal (seriously!). And as managers trying to find the right work-life balance, it does not have to be another big addition to your to-do lists. The trick is to get the recommendations and decide beforehand on what you are buying. If you’re having trouble identifying what your niece wishes for Christmas, we cannot help you there. But if your boss is also one of the recipients, the following list might get you out of that busy shopping street a bit quicker

Reverse mentoring tips

How to use reverse mentoring as a tool!

Reverse mentoring (or reciprocal mentoring) refers to an initiative in which older executives are paired with and mentored by younger employees on topics such as technology, social media, and current trends. In the tech industry or other businesses that rely heavily on technology, reverse mentoring is seen as a way to bring older employees up to speed in areas that are often second nature to 20-something employees…

how do senior professionals evaluate their job satisfaction

How do senior professionals evaluate their job satisfaction?

On the one hand, due to the prevailing economic climate companies are forced to develop innovative products and to prevail on a hugely competitive and highly technological market. Therefore, they must invest in their human capital. On the other hand, the motivation and commitment of employees is nowadays is largely dependent on how much a company committed to the development of its employees. Here questions arise such as, what is the meaning and purpose that these employees associate with their daily work?

how to deal with a dumb boss

How to deal with a dumb boss

There really is no one who goes through a career without a boss that they may not necessarily be thrilled with. There are also those that wonder, how did this colleague of mine get promoted to be my boss. Sadly, sometimes bosses tend to not adopt any of the characteristics that can in fact make them awesome. Instead some tend to display characteristics that make working with them essentially torturous. As Ted Jenkin says in his interesting article on how to deal with a dumb boss, at least once during our careers


Germany As a Top Country for Expats

It has scored remarkably high in global expat surveys in the last two years, allowing us to see the European economic power house in a new light. What is enabling the growth of Germany as a top country for expats? What are the key advantages living in Germany when looking through the eyes of expats? How do they perceive and evaluate living and working in Germany? And on the other hand, what are the main challenges for expats adjusting to the local culture in Germany?

Tips on fixing a work relationship

Tips on fixing a work relationship

If you realistically think about it, we tend to spend a lot of time at work- perhaps even more in management positions. Considering this and just plain productivity reasons (that improves when our working relationships are good), it’s important to consider factors that can enable us to improve relationships with our bosses and colleagues alike. Everyone has a bad day and a wrong foot-ed start to the proverbial Manic Monday. But that is no reason to take the bad mood to the next work meeting because sometimes conflicts are just plain difficult to avoid.

taking time off helps work productivity

The Case for Vacations: Why taking time off helps you work harder

It is a fact well-known that everyone needs a vacation. Human beings simply aren’t designed to expend energy continuously. Rather, we’re meant to pulse between spending and recovering energy. It is for this reason that many offices around the world even have “renewal rooms” for employees to nap, meditate, or relax throughout the day. Vacation deprivation increases mistakes and resentment at co-workers, Businessweek reported in 2007.

best work-life balance jobs

10 jobs with the best work-life balance

Glassdoor recently released a report (as on Mashable, see below) sharing the best job titles that had been surveyed to have jobs showcasing the best work-life balance. We have talked about how work-life balance issues are the talk of the town with some senior managers at times not even realizing that they’re suffering from a serious condition of stress and anxiety due to their jobs.

experteer munich where we are

How do you experience work place culture?

Of late we have talked plenty on company culture- what it means to create one, how can we hire right to match, and most importantly how do we create the right, creative mix. Taking a step back, I thought through the question that was most pertinent before we began the real analysis- how do you experience work place culture?

How to create a happy work environment

Management Skills 106: How to Create a Happy Work Environment

A recent poll conducted by SmartCompany revealed what motivates people to go to work. The top five results were achievement, money, creative output, great team dynamic, and retirement. Another study also shows that the top three things workers want are interesting work, full appreciation for the work they do, and a feeling of being “in” on things.

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