Tagged Executive Jobs


Major League Leadership with Dr. Howard Fero

What do a 15-million-dollar baseball player, a rookie, a new hire, or a star performer all have in common? All of them need to have strong managers who will not only hold them accountable for what they need to do, but empower them to do even more. In Lead Me Out to the Ballgame: Stories…

tips for answering common interview questions

Tips on Answering 5 Common Interview Questions

So you’re through to the interview stage. Having presented to many directors and board members over the years, a meeting to discuss a career opportunity shouldn’t feel daunting. However, even the most self-assured executive can feel a degree of apprehension when facing something outside their immediate control. Not knowing what will be asked could be…

Best Industries for Career Changes
Looking for a new challenge?

The Best Industries for Career Changes

Often times senior managers feel that despite their best efforts they are not able to maximize their potential in their current position. Despite their dissatisfaction in their current company or industry, many nevertheless cling to their positions out of insecurity or fear of what would accompany a career change. Click on ALLOW button to have…

Why you should ask for a pay raise in 2016 Every year, living costs and insurance premiums rise despite salaries remaining the same. For example, stricter energy efficiency regulations can result in more expensive home insulation costs, and in some places charges for waste collection, water, local transportation and land taxes rise in accordance with new laws or developments. Moreover, living costs also rise when people take on more dependents, i.e. partners, children, or aging parents who need special care. All of this can be a burden on your wallet—unless you take the opportunity to ask for more money, to help alleviate higher living costs. With all of these increases, inevitably salaries will put less money in your wallet once all the bills are paid; in light of these circumstances, the time is ripe to ask for a well-deserved raise. Below we offer you several tips and useful information regarding the process behind and the reasons for asking for a higher income. Regardless of the sector in which you work, if you take these factors into consideration, you will significantly boost the likelihood that your superiors will green light a pay raise in 2016. Ask for more money after increased performance As employers want to keep their personnel costs as low as possible, they seldom give a pay raise willingly, so you will probably have to arrange a meeting to discuss a pay raise yourself. When asking for a meeting, say you want to talk about your performance and plans rather than demanding a salary increase straight away. Negotiate cleverly. The only acceptable basis for a pay raise is your performance at work. You are not guaranteed a pay raise for external factors such as the birth of a child, so avoid using such factors to justify your request. After all, senior managers are only concerned with your concrete contribution to the success of the company, backed up by proven numbers and facts. These four arguments best highlight your contribution to the success of your company: 1. You are contributing to cost efficiencies by: • Negotiating better terms with suppliers • Taking over responsibilities that were previously outsourced • Improving inventory flow • Using cross-departmental synergies • Introducing new, time-saving working practices 2. You are increasing company turnover by: • Developing new business lines • Overseeing regional expansion • Acquiring new key accounts • Winning tenders 3. You take on: • Special duties and projects • Management functions • Project leads 4. You further your qualifications for the good of the firm by: • Acquiring expertise in project management • Picking up knowledge about new and promising trends • Learning a foreign language that promotes the company's regional expansion • Honing communication skills to deal successfully with difficult customers A better salary – without going over the top Before any salary negotiation, you should be clear what amount you can realistically ask for. Find out: • How much a comparable role in another company pays • What the salary levels are in your sector • If there are regional variations in pay • What online salary calculators and our salary calculator suggest Our experience shows a typical increase of four to seven percent can be negotiated. A salary increase of over ten percent can generally only be achieved when executives have contributed significantly to the success of the company. Ask for a pay raise at the right time Not every moment is right for salary negotiations. Good times to ask are: • When the company is on an economic high • One to two years after joining • After a probationary period, if both parties have agreed to salary negotiations • After successfully completing a project • When taking on new responsibilities • After increasing your performance since the last pay raise • Performance and development reviews • When senior management are approachable Salary increases after refusals or deferrals After a salary increase has been refused or deferred, clever senior managers are not tempted to undermine their superiors or threaten to leave. Instead, find out why the request was refused or deferred. Or ask what requirements you need to fulfil to achieve a pay raise. Subsequently, agree on a new a time for a meeting. You can also give your superiors (in the same way as a headhunter) the opportunity to increase your remuneration in other ways – such as a company car, additional pension contributions or a bonus when agreed targets are reached.

You Deserve A Pay Raise. Here’s Why.

Every year, living costs and insurance premiums rise despite salaries remaining the same. For example, stricter energy efficiency regulations can result in more expensive home insulation costs, and in some places charges for waste collection, water, local transportation and land taxes rise in accordance with new laws or developments. Click on ALLOW button to have…

Managers On the Move An Exclusive Look at Expat Executives
Managers on the Move

An Exclusive Look at Expat Executives

Ever considered boosting your career by moving abroad? Choosing to live in another country is no longer the privilege of a select few. Learn what life abroad is like for the average expat executive.

6 Tips for Settling Into Your New Job text

6 Mistakes to Avoid at Your New Company

A new job can be stressful, and on the first day, you’re already in a tough position – how do you make a great first impression? How do you earn the respect of your colleagues, while learning the lay of the land? So many factors, so many variables, and the pressure is on. To acclimate properly, there are a few Do’s – and plenty of Don’ts. When you start working at a new company, try to refrain from making these mistakes.

Successful Team Leader

Do You Have What It Takes to Be A Successful Team Leader?

We can all achieve more when we work together… or so they say. But is that true? Team work has been an integral part of the typical work day for countless companies. Collaboration relies on the combined talents of colleagues from different departments. But a successful team needs, above all else, a skilled team leader….

5 Traits Successful Leaders Won't Accept

5 Traits Successful Leaders Won’t Accept

There are some skills that successful leaders radiate. So it stands to reason that these same skills are a priority when it comes to creating their own teams. In order to attain the sought-after position of Senior Manager, or to find the right mentor for you, we recommend that you consider your own skills and talents. What are character strengths that you see as a prerequisite for senior managers?

What to Do When Your Boss Finds Out You Talked to A Recruiter

What to Do When Your Boss Finds Out You Talked to A Recruiter

What happens when your boss finds out you’ve been talking to recruiters? A scenario like this, in the age of mobile recruitment and the ever-closer relationship between headhunters and recruiters, isn’t totally unrealistic. Here are tips on how to handle this difficult situation.

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