Tagged communication

Learn how to show your weaknesses

Finding Strength in Weakness

“Showing weakness is not an option because others will only take advantage of my honesty. I’d rather be seen as the tough guy!” Many managers often feel uncomfortable if they’re unable to demonstrate power in their job. Ultimately, they’re scared. And some believe that those who ignore their fears, actually end up being governed by…

Diversity in the workplace

Understanding Cultural Differences – How Germans and Americans Can Work Together

The offer of an attractive position abroad – either from your own company or through a headhunter – can often lead to significant career progression. Experience abroad can be the key to making that next career step, and the USA is a very popular destination for working professionals. In order for a new position to…

Use the power of voice

Sound Is the Key to Success!

In order to succeed in your job, you must make sure your voice is heard. A successful manager leads with their voice – the sound they create determines how their message is received. Radio presenter and voice coach Paul Johannes Baumgartner explains how to use the power of voice to create authority, competence and inspire…

Tips for smooth-talking managers

Adapting Communication Styles for Every Situation

There are plenty of communication sins that take place at offices around the world, most of them forgivable. By appreciating the unique personalities of your staff, understanding your corporate culture, and educating yourself on a number of communication techniques, you can create a happier office environment and improve your company’s performance.

5 worst email fails

5 Critical Failures in E-mails

Our workplace communication increasingly runs through e-mail programs rather than in person communication with colleagues. Even if the members of a project group are sitting two tables across, the latest version of the project or even the latest cat news will be forwarded by email. Some colleagues only learn the most necessary improvements through this medium

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