Tagged Career

Time to relax on the year end holiday

8 tips to refresh during your year end break

The year is slowly but surely coming to an end even if the summer holiday feels like it happened just yesterday. Everyone is looking forward to the holiday period of the year. Holidays should allow for rest and free your mind. In the few days or several weeks we will finally once again have time for ourselves and do things that are so have far fallen on the wayside. But many do not make it actually succeed in turning off while on vacation.

How to evaluate your strengths & weaknesses for ultimate career success

Tips on Writing Self-Assessments for the End of the Year

As here self-assessment, also known as a self-appraisal or self-evaluation, gives employees the opportunity to share with their manager the work they have done since their last review, how they have performed on those tasks, areas they feel they can improve on, and what their supervisors can do to help them perform their job better….

bizarre interview questions

The Most Bizarre Interview Questions and What They Mean

For organizations, hiring is a risky game. Most of the time, they must determine if a candidate is going to make a good employee solely on the basis of a CV, a few interviews, and a reference check. Since there is so much that goes into employee performance and satisfaction, it’s impossible for hiring managers…

6 Tips for Settling Into Your New Job text

6 Mistakes to Avoid at Your New Company

A new job can be stressful, and on the first day, you’re already in a tough position – how do you make a great first impression? How do you earn the respect of your colleagues, while learning the lay of the land? So many factors, so many variables, and the pressure is on. To acclimate properly, there are a few Do’s – and plenty of Don’ts. When you start working at a new company, try to refrain from making these mistakes.


The Headhunter’s Ideal Candidate – Are You The Total Package?

So you went to Yale, but you can’t say a single sentence without stuttering? According to headhunter Celine Choisel of BiermannNeff, the ideal candidate is well spoken, charismatic, and skilled. Sure, you may have years of experience and a doctorate degree, but if you can’t convince Ms. Choisel that you’re a good fit for the…

Stoic vs. Speechless - How Senior Managers Handle the Tough Questions

How Senior Managers Think: Learn How to Handle the Tough Questions

Can you handle taking on this project?“ or “Why am I only getting these results now?” Tough questions like this can fluster even the most capable senior managers. The wrong reaction could seriously impact your career, so it’s important to handle these situations with great care.

introverts in the workplace

How it Pays to Promote Introverts in the Workplace

Let’s be honest: Our working environment is partly a large stage on which we need to market ourselves and represent our abilities in order to succeed. It all comes down to how we are able to emphasize strengths and cover up weaknesses. However, often we forget that perceived weaknesses can also be strengths that equip us with excellent characteristics, and sometimes we do not recognize their potential. If you are somewhat familiar with psychology, you have probably heard of the Big 5 personality traits.

How to avoid presentation panic

How to Deal With Presentation Panic

Another 10 minutes…you notice how your hands are sweaty. Slowly, your heart rate increases. The queasy feeling in your stomach is already there … 5 minutes remaining, the countdown is on. How will you stand over there in front of this crowd and your team, whose eyes pose as threat constantly affecting you. Oh God, what if they make fun of you in the team room later?


How to use transferable skills in your new jobs?

Transferable skills are competencies and abilities that are relevant and valuable across different areas of life: socially and professionally. Also known as ‘portable skills,’ they can be transferred from one job to another, and could also extend to and include one’s hobbies, sports, volunteer work, or other important life experiences.

How to lead management teams more effectively

How to Lead Management Teams More Effectively

Few leaders would disagree that effective teamwork is essential to the good health of an organization, but many would admit that the teams they lead do not function as effectively or efficiently as they would like. Why is this? Why is it that sincere, hardworking people who care about the places in which they work cannot achieve the results that might be expected of them?

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