Combining personal and professional life is increasingly common in today’s world

The New Norm for Management Jobs: Work-Life Integration, Not Balance

Salary.com found that 64 percent of employees visit non-work-related websites every day during work hours, including social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Due to the increasing rate of technological advancement, the lines between home and office have become extremely blurred. Today, it is perfectly acceptable to check work emails over weekends and while…

Learn how to show your weaknesses

Finding Strength in Weakness

“Showing weakness is not an option because others will only take advantage of my honesty. I’d rather be seen as the tough guy!” Many managers often feel uncomfortable if they’re unable to demonstrate power in their job. Ultimately, they’re scared. And some believe that those who ignore their fears, actually end up being governed by…

Diversity in the workplace

Understanding Cultural Differences – How Germans and Americans Can Work Together

The offer of an attractive position abroad – either from your own company or through a headhunter – can often lead to significant career progression. Experience abroad can be the key to making that next career step, and the USA is a very popular destination for working professionals. In order for a new position to…

Use the power of voice

Sound Is the Key to Success!

In order to succeed in your job, you must make sure your voice is heard. A successful manager leads with their voice – the sound they create determines how their message is received. Radio presenter and voice coach Paul Johannes Baumgartner explains how to use the power of voice to create authority, competence and inspire…

Stand out as a top candidate

Headhunter Insights: How Candidates Can Present Themselves Successfully

Qualified managers and executives looking for a new career are often approached by headhunters. They serve as mediators between a company who wants to fill a position, and a qualified candidate. But how should a candidate act when they meet a headhunter for the first time? How do you manage to impress the recruiter, and how can you stay in touch? We spoke with Petra Zorgati, a recruiter at Kienbaum, for her insights. In the video, you can learn the tips and tricks for how candidates can present themselves successfully. Get ready for your next headhunter interview by preparing with these headhunter insights!

Go from being a fan of empty phrases to communications boss

Why Managers Use a Different Language in the Office (and Why They Should Leave It Behind!)

Are you famous in your office for being a fan of corporate lingo? If so then you’re not alone, because many executives speak a managerial language in the work environment. There are lots of reasons for using a specific language in a senior-level role. But beware, in the long run, it is likely to do…

Salary calculator new
Salary Calculator

Discover Your Earning Potential with Experteer’s Salary Calculator

Is your current salary aligned with your skills, experience, and market value? Many people in the United States question if their salary matches their skills and experience. Whether you are applying for a job, asking for a raise, or switching careers, it is important to know your earning potential. The Experteer Salary Calculator is an…

The good and bad of technology

Applicant Tracking Systems and How they Affect You

You’ve finally found it! The perfect position. You’re qualifications and experience are a perfect match, plus it’s in the industry you’re passionate about! You send off your resume and application, and eagerly await a response from the HR personnel. But nothing comes. What could have gone wrong? Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) could have stood in your…

Make sure people know why you’re the best candidate

How to Nail a Perfect Elevator Pitch

You’re standing in line for your morning coffee when you notice someone standing behind you. It’s only the CEO of the startup where you see yourself in your dream job! Do you panic and freeze? Trip over your own feet and spill your coffee down the front of their shirt? Or do you introduce yourself with…

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