What type of negotiator are you?
Be prepared while remaining authentic

Interview Questions for Senior Management Positions

“Tell me about a situation where you exceeded the expectations of your role.” This is a typical request during an interview for a leadership role and is a good indicator of what the focus of other questions will be. Nevertheless, though preparation for your interview is essential, you should refrain from memorizing rote answers to…

O'zapft is -drinking out with colleagues at the Oktoberfest

What not to do when out drinking with colleagues at the Oktoberfest!

It’s that time of the year again. Munich gets about 6 million visitors every year on account of the largest beer fest the world witnesses (German beer rocks, because you bring out the statistics). Last year about 6.4 million visitors gulped down a neat 6.7 liters of beer. What began as a marriage invite party thrown out by the King Ludwig inviting the whole town, has become a great tourist attraction for the city of Munich year after year.

Etiquette and outfit: What you absolutely need to know

The Right Dress Code for an Interview

Tie or open collar? Pantsuit or skirt? The dress code in an interview plays a decisive role – this is precisely where the clothes make the man. Anyone who has made it as far as the job interview for his dream position has already proven his professional qualifications. Now it depends on his personality and…

How to Get Hired: German Edition

Applying in Germany: Tips for the Perfect CV

In an international context, a CV or a resume can vary depending on the culture and labor practices in each market. There are no real resume rules and you’d potentially find thousands (if not more) templates on a Google search. However, when moving countries, new cultural differences are seldom taken into consideration. At Experteer, we…

Inspiring TED Talks

Happiness, Success, Intelligence – These 3 Ideas Will Change Your Career

Why are some people successful? Why do some come back stronger after failure and others do not? And, how can you adjust the parameters for your own success? Here are three groundbreaking insights from science that will change your entire career. The secret of happiness at work Success makes you happy? No, says psychologist Shawn…

Don’t miss out on unique opportunities to further your career

7 Tips for Getting on a Headhunter’s Radar

Experteer has created an online marketplace that enables headhunters to find senior-level candidates that match their mandate and contact them in a discrete fashion. In a marketplace of millions of job seekers, candidates are always asking how they can find their way through to the screening for management jobs. Today, we have insights from Tony Restell, the found of social-hire.com focusing on recruitment topics in today’s networked world. Tony shares with us 7 tips for getting on a headhunter’s radar. Read further for practical tips on how to be found.

Management Skills 202

Adapt Your Communication Styles

As executives become managers and move up the corporate ladder, they assume management responsibilities over more people. More people mean more personalities to deal with each with different viewpoints, agendas and communication styles. Managers have to learn to connect with a greater number of personalities in the most effective manner to get the job done. As a manager, there is a critical need to adapt your communication to different styles.

The hidden benefits of stress

How to Use Stress to Make Yourself a Better Person!

Feeling stressed? Embrace it! New research shows that stress can actually make you happier and stronger – just by viewing the experience more positively. Instead of treating stress as a disease, experts are encouraging us to reset our minds to view the negatives of stress as positives. By taking a more positive view of stress…

The importance of values in the workplace

Ancient success strategy: value-oriented leadership

The former Benedictine monk Anselm Bilgri, along with the Andechs monastery in Germany, managed an enterprise worth millions – following an ancient rule of order. Which leadership values are really successful and what are the key roles they play in employee job motivation? The monk who led a company worth millions The great interest of…


Headhunters Reveal 5 Top Tips for Professional Success

To provide you with the best insights on how to improve your career in 2019 we asked headhunters: What are the five best tips to help senior candidates achieve professional success this year? Click on ALLOW button to have access to more exciting career news!

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