How to deal with a dumb boss

There really is no one who goes through a career without a boss that they may not necessarily be thrilled with. There are also those that wonder, how did this colleague of mine get promoted to be my boss. Sadly, sometimes bosses tend to not adopt any of the characteristics that can in fact make them awesome.

Instead some tend to display characteristics that make working with them essentially torturous. As Ted Jenkin says in his interesting article on how to deal with a dumb boss, at least once during our careers, a thought does pop up-

“I wonder how in the world the company ever promoted my dumb boss into this job.”

It’s not a common situation to have to deal with a high level of ineptitude of your boss. As professionals in that situation, it is far more important to concentrate on how to deal with a dumb boss.

Tips on how to deal with a dumb boss

It’s your career, drive it

Work well, show results and even a dumb boss won’t be able to jeopardize your career. It is after all your responsibility. You need to know your career goals, develop long term relationships with clients, team members and headhunters alike to go ahead in your chosen track.

One boss should not be able to kill your ambition. There’s an Indian saying, “don’t throw off the shirt for a mere lice”. The idea is: think long term.

Are you sure the boss is dumb?

Question yourself enough. After all, someone who has been promoted over multiple others, must have a reason for going upwards. Why was he/she chosen? Get your facts right. Disagreeing with someone on an emotional basis or not being able to dissociate feelings from facts can lead us to naming others as ‘dumb’ even as adults.

Go through your own level of openness as a professional and person. Are you being too judgmental or is there something that you can factually see?

Start afresh

If you are all so smart, what are you doing with someone who you think is dumb? What’s the fear holding you back from applying to another job or a position? Get your CV going, speak with your network and headhunters (discreetly of course) and try and find new opportunities. You can get what you run after.

Hopefully the image above will make you see dumb or horrible bosses in new light. Also something you can sure avoid, when you are a boss yourself! We wish you luck!

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