13 ways to help you ‘work smart’ in executive jobs

We have already discovered that work-life balance and burnouts are increasingly pertinent issues in executive jobs. After all, you make a choice to be a chief executive, how can you not take the other side. However, this post is not about making you depressed about getting to that senior management position or rejecting all the executive jobs. This is about getting hands-on and solving the problems- now. Dear executives in tough consulting jobs or dreaming of becoming big in the CEO occupation, read further…

13 ways to help you work smart in your executive jobs

Hint: How to work smart, not hard! The world today is all about “working smarter,” not necessarily harder. There’s a huge difference between doing things right and doing the right things. So how does one recognize this? We offer some pointers:

  1. Pick your battles:Choose your tasks wisely each day, taking into account your mood, physical energy levels, and degree of mental focus.
  2. Take the 80/20 route: Take the route that takes the least effort but gives you the maximum results.
  3. If it works, stick to it: If there is already a tried-and-tested formula that’s working, don’t bother trying to reinvent the wheel.
  4. Use technology to get organized: Get rid of random piles of paper and instead use a simple electronic filing system. Also adopt a personal scheduling program that allows you to keep a calendar, to-do lists, work plans, and directory of contacts.
  5. Delegate to the right people at the right time: Consider which duties you could be sharing with others. Then start slowly parceling out some of these responsibilities.
  6. Learn to say no: Avoid over-scheduling yourself and be realistic about what you can accomplish.When someone asks you to do something that is not your passion or priority, politely but firmly decline.
  7. Stop aiming for perfection: The most successful people are those who are satisfied when a job is well done and save their need for perfection for the few, truly important things.
  8. Know when to ask for help: If you are overwhelmed at work, and it is causing undue stress, don’t suffer in silence.
  9. Be flexible : Your day will not always go as planned. Be open to trying new methods and doing new things.
  10. Have a plan B: Think about alternatives and backups before you get started. If you create options for yourself, you will have less stress.
  11. Learn from others: There is no end to how much you can learn from other smart people around you.
  12. Lighten up: One good laugh each day is essential for defusing tension, and getting work done.
  13. Have a time management planWe shared inputs on this earlier, so how about turning back to that post. We all need calendars, to function well.

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