Salary overview based on mandates:
To view the average salary for mandates from these headhunters, you must first create an Experteer account.
To view the average salary for mandates from these headhunters, you must first create an Experteer account.
Xhen Associates Limited
Xhen Associate is a leading Executive Search and Selection company serving the EMEA Technology marketplace through focused practice areas.
We have a client base that has been built up over the last twenty years by delivering uncompromising quality of service through personal attention. We are obsessive in our commitment to excellence in all aspects of the resource process, truly partnering w...
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Xhen Associate is a leading Executive Search and Selection company serving the EMEA Technology marketplace through focused practice areas.
We have a client base that has been built up over the last twenty years by delivering uncompromising quality of service through personal attention. We are obsessive in our commitment to excellence in all aspects of the resource process, truly partnering with our clients. The result is exceptional talent sourcing giving our client competitive advantage in a very competitive market space
The resulting knowledge base and expertise is without equal in our sector and our clients and candidates benefit accordingly. Our innovative range of recruitment solutions allows us to work flexibly with our key clients over extended periods and geographies.
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Top Industries
1. Information Technology
(65% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Telecommunications
(33% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
1. Telecommunications
(58% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Information Technology
(35% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
3. Retail (all)
(3% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
4. Consulting
(1% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Logged in Experteer members can find their matching industries here
15 more industries:
Software Companies
Public Sector
Retail (all)
Information Technology
Data Service (Fixed Network and Mobile)
Mobile Communications
Public Authority, Local Government, State
Drugstore, Perfume Shop, Pharmacy
Construction and Real Estate
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Software Companies
Public Sector
Retail (all)
Information Technology
Data Service (Fixed Network and Mobile)
Mobile Communications
Public Authority, Local Government, State
Drugstore, Perfume Shop, Pharmacy
Construction and Real Estate
Manufacturing Industry
Law Firms
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Top Functions
1. Sales
(87% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Information Technology, Telecommunications
(4% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
3. General Management
(3% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
4. Consulting
(1% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
5. Marketing
(1% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
1. Sales
(78% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Marketing
(6% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
3. Information Technology, Telecommunications
(4% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
4. Planning, Controlling
(3% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
5. Human Resources
(3% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Logged in Experteer members can find their matching functions here
10 more functions:
General Management
Planning, Controlling
Production, Manufacturing
Information Technology, Telecommunications
Research and Development
Human Resources
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General Management
Planning, Controlling
Production, Manufacturing
Information Technology, Telecommunications
Research and Development
Human Resources
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