Certified Experteer member since 11/2018
Jackie Jaeger
Finance & Administration at Terra Advisors LLC
Salary overview based on mandates:
Terra Advisors LLC
Executive Search
Terra Advisors’ mission is to assist telecom, media and technology (TMT) clients to build their businesses in new geographies. We serve companies with success in their home markets which are ready to expand their footprint. Since 2008 we have been retained by more than 90 clients and have generated millions of dollars in revenue for them.
Top Industries
1. Construction and Real Estate
(50% all mandates in direct search)
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100 %
2. Information Technology
(50% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
1. Information Technology
(100% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Top Functions
1. Consulting
(50% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Sales
(50% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
1. Sales
(100% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Open Positions ({{headhunterJobsCtrl.totalJobCount}})
Jackie Jaeger currently has no open positions available.