Pentagon AG Darmstadt

Executive Search

Network: 328 Candidates

Pentagon AG

Executive Search
Network: 328 Candidates

Salary overview based on mandates:
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Information about Pentagon AG

Als zukunftsweisende Personalberatung sichern wir langfristig Ihren Erfolg im HR-Management. Wir arbeiten transparent, klar, präzise und schaffen Werte sowie vertrauensvolle Verbindungen über die langfristige Zusammenarbeit

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Employees at Pentagon AG

Peter Schiwon

Peter Schiwon

View profile
107 Contacts 0 Open Positions
Axel Gottschaldt

Axel Gottschaldt

Senior Partner Personalberatung
View profile
221 Contacts 0 Open Positions
Jutta Averbeck-Schiwon

Jutta Averbeck-Schiwon

Senior Partnerin
View profile
0 Contacts 0 Open Positions

Headhunter of the Year

Platz 1 in der Kategorie Client Experience 2018
• „Obwohl wir ein relativ kleines Unternehmen sind und ganz sicher nicht so viele Aufträge vergeben können, wie andere Unternehmen, werden wir von der PENTAGON sehr ernst genommen. Unser Berater nimmt sich immer Zeit für uns und, das zeichnet ihn besonders aus, hat uns bereits schon mehrfach gezeigt, wie wir auch ohne seine Hilfe gute Kandidaten gewinnen können.“ • „Sehr unkomplizierte Zusammenarbeit. Schnell und zuverlässig. Bleibt entspannt, auch wenn es bei uns etwas länger dauert. Übt dann an den Stellen genau den richtigen Druck aus, um den Prozess am Laufen zu halten. Sehr gute Aufbereitung der Kandidatenprofile - transparente Prozesse durch Log-in-Möglichkeit in das Bewerberportal der jeweiligen Suche. Vertritt die Unternehmens- und Bewerberinteressen - bringt beide Seiten auf Augenhöhe.“ • „Stellenanzeige im Video, bessere Vorstellung bei den Kandidaten über Zielunternehmen; nicht nur Führungskräfte sondern auch Spezialisten.“

Top industries from Pentagon AG

Direct Search
1. Machinery and Industrial Facilities Engineering
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100 %
2. Automotive and Vehicle Manufacturing
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100 %
3. Information Technology
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100 %
4. Consulting
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100 %
5. Manufacturing Industry
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100 %
Posted Offers
1. Machinery and Industrial Facilities Engineering
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Automotive and Vehicle Manufacturing
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100 %
3. Manufacturing Industry
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100 %
4. Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering
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100 %
5. Information Technology
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %

31 other branches from Pentagon AG

Logged in Experteer members can find their matching industries here

31 more industries:
Information Technology Medical Technology Human Health and Social Work Recycling and Re-Utilisation (also Private) Machinery and Industrial Facilities Engineering Manufacture of Paper and Printing Products Electrical Drive and Control Technology Insurance Supplier of Automotive Components Software Companies Show all
Information Technology Medical Technology Human Health and Social Work Recycling and Re-Utilisation (also Private) Machinery and Industrial Facilities Engineering Manufacture of Paper and Printing Products Electrical Drive and Control Technology Insurance Supplier of Automotive Components Software Companies Construction and Real Estate Building Services Engineering, Building Completion and Support Services Electric Power Engineering Mechanical Engineering Consumer Goods Manufacturing Retail (all) Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering Surveyors Other Electrical, Sheet and Metal Goods Consulting Transport and Warehouse Logistics Logistics Management Consulting Electronic Equipment Trade Fair Construction and Shop Fitting Plastics and Rubber Processing Building Industry, Construction Production and Processing of Raw Materials Public Sector Automotive and Vehicle Manufacturing Manufacturing Industry Show less

Top functions from Pentagon AG

Direct Search
1. Sales
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100 %
2. Research and Development
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100 %
3. Production, Manufacturing
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100 %
4. Consulting
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100 %
5. General Management
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100 %
Posted Offers
1. Sales
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Production, Manufacturing
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
3. Information Technology, Telecommunications
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
4. Procurement, Materials, Logistics
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
5. Research and Development
To view the distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %

19 other functions from Pentagon AG

Logged in Experteer members can find their matching functions here

19 more functions:
General Management Strategy, M&A Planning, Controlling Finance, Accounting Marketing Sales Consulting Production, Manufacturing Procurement, Materials, Logistics Information Technology, Telecommunications Show all
General Management Strategy, M&A Planning, Controlling Finance, Accounting Marketing Sales Consulting Production, Manufacturing Procurement, Materials, Logistics Information Technology, Telecommunications Public Relations Research and Development Customer Service Organization, Administration Human Resources Legal Graphics, Design Editorial Office, Documentation Health/Medical Show less

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