Salary overview based on mandates:
To view the average salary for mandates from these headhunters, you must first create an Experteer account.
IQM Selezione
No company description available.
Top Industries
1. Consulting
(100% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
1. Consulting
(100% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Top Functions
1. Consulting
(80% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Finance, Accounting
(20% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
1. Consulting
(50% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Finance, Accounting
(50% all mandates in posted offers)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Open Positions ({{headhunterJobsCtrl.totalJobCount}})
Mirko Jeric currently has no open positions available.