Salary Calculator

Preparing for a salary negotiation? Planning your next career step?
Discover here what your expertise is worth, with the free Salary Calculator from Experteer.
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Experteer Salary Benchmark

The Experteer Benchmark is an Experteer service that shows you the estimated market value of a specific position. It is not given by the recruiters, and it is an estimate based solely on market data.

Experteer's estimation is based on both the analysis of internal data, as well as external information. The Experteer Benchmark is the average market value at the respective level. This value may be up to 15% higher or lower in each company (greater variation may be possible in individual cases).

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How can the salary calculator help me to increase my salary in 2025?

  • Get ahead of the competition during salary negotiations
  • Inform yourself about your market value with the salary calculator
  • Take advantage of the salary benchmarks when researching your salary
  • Get a transparent overview of who earns what, and keep an overview of the premium job market
  • Benefit from salary benchmarks by entering salary negotiations with more information
  • Find relevant career opportunities with the Salary Benchmark and apply directly via Experteer

Who earns what in the US?

Salary is a taboo-topic for many senior professionals.

Experteer makes it a goal to increase the transparency of salary and negotiation practices for senior professionals. Read more information about these topics in the Experteer Magazine, in German and in English. Senior professionals can gain valuable insights here on the following topics:

  • Who earns what in the US?
  • How can you, as a senior professional, get a higher salary in your current position?
  • What is the impact of salary on one's perspective of a dream job?
  • What are the most common errors in salary negotiations?
  • How does Experteer determine the right salary benchmarks for each position?
  • Tips for Salary Negotiations for Senior Level Professionals
Experteer Magazine