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Salary Benchmark
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Richmond, VA
Career Level
Senior Specialist / Project Manager
Equipment for Measuring and Process Control
Our client is hiring a Market Development Manager specializing in Analytical & Synthetic Chemistry They are looking for an expert in physical properties measurements who can collaborate with internal and external stakeholders, a skilled communicator who can utilize their expertise to create and maintain business opportunities, and a professional who can navigate complex organizations. As a Market Development Manager, your role will involve driving growth and expanding markets for our client’s microwave, analytical and synthetic chemistry, FTIR, and Raman products. The preferred location for this position is Richmond, VA. The starting salary for this role is $119,400/year and can incre
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The Experteer Benchmark is an Experteer service that shows you the estimated market value of a specific position. It is not given by the recruiters, and it is an estimate based solely on market data.
Experteer's estimation is based on both the analysis of internal data, as well as external information. The Experteer Benchmark is the average market value at the respective level. This value may be up to 15% higher or lower in each company (greater variation may be possible in individual cases).
The Recruiter Benchmark serves as a reference. The actual salary to be obtained depends on factors such as professional experience and expertise.